
by Linda Enger


The Arts at Marshall Square
7077 East Main Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85251

On view through December, 2016

Installation Details

In Arizona, nature’s ever-changing colors and textures enthrall beyond words. Changes happen seasonally, hourly, or with intense suddenness. If we take the opportunity to observe, we can then explore more deeply nature’s beautiful shifts. With her mixed-media work Emergent the artist ponders how we are affected externally and/or internally by these changes, and how might we incorporate nature’s lead into our own emergence. As we watch and listen quietly at sunrise or sunset, or during a desert storm, or follow a seedling’s growth, we tune into the wonder and beauty that nature, and each of us truly is.

For more images and ramblings – http://www.dirttodelicious.net
For conversation – linda@lindaengerphoto.com

This installation was commissioned by Scottsdale Public Art through the IN FLUX initiative in cooperation with The Arts at Marshall Square.