Yucca Oraxlie
April 2019
Bobby Zokaites is a sculptor who engages his imagination through the creation of large-scale, colorful, interactive objects and spaces. His work is intended to stimulate audience interaction.
In recent years, he’s been able to produce artwork for public spaces across the United States. Each project helps him to strengthen his skill set and expand the visual vocabulary that he draws from, and to connect with his audience. Public projects are an opportunity to present his work in public spheres where more than just the arts and gallery-going community will experience it. These opportunities break the boundaries of typical exhibition settings, allowing the work to focus on engagement, ultimately creating a dynamic relationship between the public, him, his work, and the site.
Yucca Oraxlie, is a botanically inspired sculpture, in which he meshed together the aesthetics of children’s books with contemporary techniques in steel working. That’s a fancy way of saying he was thrilled to have the opportunity to play.
For more information about the artist visit bobbyzokaites.com.