Radiant Grove
April 2019
Radiant Grove
Plywood, acrylic, steel, paint
Radiant Grove is a trio of toy-like alien trees made from laser cut acrylic and CNC carved plywood designed specifically to react with Burton Barr Library’s plentiful natural light. Its color gradients constantly change – while riding the elevator, moving around each side, and throughout the day as light fades to night. The tree forms speak to the joys of growth and learning embodied by the library, while Radiant Grove’s computer-inspired imagery nods to the library’s expanding role into digital services and technology.
Daniel Funkhouser is a visual artist born in Phoenix, Arizona. While he studied painting at Arizona State University, his art practice has expanded into a variety of forms and media unified by a love of garishly saturated color schemes, super synthetic materials, and the power of play. His favorite part of the library is the Science Fiction section.
For more information find the artist on Instagram.